Dan’s 40th birthday

July 27, 2018 / Posted by Cheryl Brunwin / in Team News / 2180 Views

Dan, it’s your big birthday coming up! What do you have planned?

Keeping it pretty low key with my two best friends, who I go way back with to my school days, travelling to stay with us for the weekend – one night in and one night out!  Importantly, the 7 children we collectively ‘own’ will be elsewhere; it’s a wind-back weekend  to a time before children and responsibilities!  Of course, I will be seeing all my lovely family on my actual Birthday on the Monday, fully refreshed after a weekend of freedom!!  I’m also going to run the Cheltenham half marathon in September by way of giving myself a long overdue health check! (really need to start the training, Oops!).  I will probably throw in some sort of super car track day also, until the day comes when I can stretch to owning one!

Milestone birthdays are always a reason to celebrate, what are you looking forward to the most about turning 40?

I have thought and thought and I just can’t think of one, next question!

If you had to list 5 things you want to do before you’re 50, what would they be?

Run a half marathon, pick up that guitar again, own a Ferrari, holiday on a remote island and host my whole family for Christmas!

Dan, you have now worked at First Choice Conference & Events for two thirds of your working life; I know your team are fabulous but what makes your job great?

I love shaping our future as a business but also (hopefully) playing a part in shaping the futures of the team. I really enjoy working with everyone in the team so I enjoy being able to coach, support and guide them.  I also enjoy knowing the answers to most things, having been here longer than most of the furniture! all of the furniture!  Most importantly, I always keep my hand in working on events and working first-hand with clients; my background is the hospitality industry and it’s what is most natural to me.  I enjoy this part tremendously but I also see it as crucial to lead those doing the same.

You’re about to say goodbye to your 30’s; if you had one piece of advice for someone entering theirs what would it be?

So many clichés spring to mind so I’ll pick one and try not to patronise my younger friends and colleagues – eat better food, find some exercise you enjoy and stick with it, make sure you have a hobby that leads you to have leisure time to yourself.

Lastly, if you could have a special birthday dinner with any 3 people in the world, who would you invite?

Eric Clapton, Adele & Jason Mraz